Game Ready and Movie Ready Models


Computer graphic artists are constantly trying to emulate the real world. The main canvas that we paint reality on is the computer generated (CG) 3D model. CG models are used in a variety of ways for many disciplines. Although they can run the gamut from medical visualization, accident recreation, and entomology, main uses of this technology lie within the realm of movie visual effects and 3D gaming. The models themselves are not always accomplished the same way and depend on greatly upon which application it is being utilized in. The main difference between the two is that the CG movie model is simply built to be seen, while its video game cousin is built to interact with.

Author – James Dargie


Using the skills we had learned in the lesson as well as tutorials we were tasked with making 2 game ready models and 2 movie ready models the difference between the two being in the poly count.

Game ready models need to have a low poly count as games render in real-time so everything on-screen needs to render as you go this means if the number of polygons is too high then it would have negative effects on the games performance.

For my two game ready models, I decided to make a combination of a katana and a broadsword the hilt and guard being the katana inspiration while the blade is where the broadsword side of things came into play. The crate wasn’t very inspired as it was part of the first homework we were tasked with but I added the bars going across as it was just a simple cube with indents before. Both these models started out using the cube primitive and were then molded into what they are now, however, the sword had rings added to it for the handle and tsuba (guard).


Movie ready models are allowed to have a high poly count as they are pre-rendered meaning there is no need to compromise for real time, therefore, allowing a much greater level of freedom with modeling as a greater amount of detail is capable of being added.

For my movie ready models, I made an acoustic guitar and a Pokeball. Since neither of these was simple shapes I used multiple parts to make them and also experimented with coloring the models as seen with the brown of what would be the wood on the guitar and the red,white and black of the Pokeball. The Pokeball was made you a collection of 4 separate spheres while the guitar used a collection of cubes and cylinders.

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